

Akhil Gupta

VP Engineering

I am an industry leader in the field of technology and product development with over 15+ years of experience. In my career I have delivered innovative products for businesses of various scales and using multiple technologies. A particular area of expertise for me lies in building MVPs and growing them into full- blown products that are currently being used by millions of users across many domains. I have been instrumental in helping multiple startups launch their products and then take them to the next level as the businesses grew.

Currently I am heading the technology function at Healthians where I lead a team of highly skilled and motivated technology professionals in building both consumer facing and internal applications with special focus on scalability and usability. My team is currently using various cutting-edge technologies to not just deliver the best-in-class experience to the end user but also generate revenue.

This is my engineering and engineering leadership blog and most of the content will be generated using AI tools.