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Tech Debt Part 3 - How to Choose Where to Start Fixing Tech Debt

Tech debt

This post belongs to a multi-post "Tech Debt" series. Check out all the posts here.

Tech debt can be a significant challenge for mid to large-sized organizations with monolithic applications. With so many different parts of the codebase to consider, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are some practical tips to help you get started.

  1. Prioritize high-impact areas: Utilize tools such as New Relic or AppDynamics to identify areas of the codebase that have the biggest impact on the business and prioritize fixing tech debt in these areas first. These tools can track performance metrics, detect errors, and monitor user behavior to help you identify the most critical areas.

  2. Consider dependencies: Use tools such as CodeScene or SonarQube to analyze the dependencies between different parts of the codebase and prioritize fixing tech debt in areas with high numbers of dependencies. This will help prevent further tech debt from accumulating and ensure that your efforts have the biggest impact.

  3. Assess the cost of fixing tech debt: Utilize tools such as Cost of Delay or Return on Investment (ROI) calculators to determine the cost of fixing tech debt in different areas of the codebase. This will help you prioritize areas that will give you the most return for your investment.

  4. Engage with the development team: Work closely with the development team and use tools such as GitHub or JIRA to get their input on where to start fixing tech debt. Developers may have valuable insights and ideas that would not otherwise be considered.

  5. Use automated tools: Take advantage of automated tools such as SonarLint, CodeClimate, or CodeScene to identify areas of the codebase with high tech debt. These tools can scan the code and provide reports on areas that need improvement.

  6. Create a plan: Develop a plan for fixing tech debt with clear goals and timelines. Use tools such as Trello, Asana, or Microsoft Project to keep track of progress and make sure that you are addressing tech debt in the most efficient and effective way.

In conclusion, fixing tech debt in a mid to large-sized organization with monolithic applications requires a comprehensive approach. By prioritizing high-impact areas, considering dependencies, assessing the cost of fixing tech debt, engaging with the development team, using automated tools, and creating a plan, you can ensure that you are addressing tech debt in the most effective way possible.