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Tech Debt Part 2 - Identifying Tech Debt in a Mid-Scale Startup

Tech debt

This post belongs to a multi-post "Tech Debt" series. Check out all the posts here.

Tech debt refers to the trade-off between short-term gains in development speed and long-term costs of maintaining and updating the technical infrastructure of a company. In a mid-scale startup, it's crucial to identify tech debt as it can affect the growth and stability of the company in the long run. Here are some tips to help you identify tech debt in your mid-scale startup.

  1. Monitor code quality: A significant factor in the accumulation of tech debt is the quality of code being written. Keeping track of code quality metrics such as lines of code, complexity, and test coverage can help you identify areas with high tech debt.

  2. Keep track of technical debt backlog: Create a backlog of all the technical tasks and prioritize them. This will help you keep track of the tech debt and prioritize fixing high-impact areas first.

  3. Regular code audits: Regular code audits can help you identify areas of code that need improvement. This can be done by developers or through automated tools.

  4. Monitor application performance: Keep an eye on the performance of your applications, including response time, errors, and user complaints. This will give you an idea of the areas of the codebase that are causing performance problems, which may indicate tech debt.

  5. Assess the impact of changes: Assess the impact of changes made to the codebase. When making changes, consider how it will affect the rest of the codebase, both in the short and long term.

  6. Engage with the team: Encourage open communication with your development team and solicit their feedback on areas they believe have high tech debt. They may have insights that you would not otherwise have.

  7. Seek outside help: If you're unsure about how to identify tech debt, consider seeking outside help. This can come in the form of consultants or development teams that specialize in reducing tech debt.

In conclusion, identifying tech debt in a mid-scale startup requires a combination of monitoring, tracking, and engagement with the development team. By taking these steps, you can ensure the long-term stability and growth of your company.