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Tech Debt Part 1 - What is Tech Debt and Why You Should Not Ignore It

Tech debt

This post belongs to a multi-post "Tech Debt" series. Check out all the posts here.

Tech debt is a term that refers to the trade-off between short-term gains in development speed and the long-term costs of maintaining and updating the technical infrastructure of a company. It occurs when shortcuts are taken in the development process, resulting in code that is less maintainable and harder to update in the future.

While tech debt can allow companies to move quickly and get products to market faster, it can also have serious consequences if left unaddressed. Here are some reasons why tech debt should not be ignored:

  1. Decreased development speed: Over time, the accumulation of tech debt can slow down development speed, making it more difficult to implement new features and make updates to the codebase.

  2. Increased maintenance costs: Tech debt can also lead to increased maintenance costs, as developers have to spend more time fixing issues and making updates to the code.

  3. Decreased reliability: Tech debt can also lead to decreased reliability, as code becomes more complex and harder to maintain. This can result in errors and downtime, which can harm the user experience and damage a company's reputation.

  4. Decreased agility: Companies with high levels of tech debt may also find it difficult to pivot or change direction quickly. This can be a major disadvantage in a rapidly changing market.

  5. Difficulty attracting talent: Finally, tech debt can make it more difficult for companies to attract and retain top talent. Developers may not want to work on code that is difficult to maintain and update, and may instead choose to work for companies with cleaner codebases.

In conclusion, tech debt is a serious issue that should not be ignored. By taking steps to address tech debt, companies can ensure that they are able to move quickly and make updates to their codebase with ease, while also reducing costs and increasing reliability. This, in turn, can help ensure long-term success and stability for the company.