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How to effectively conduct skip level meetings in your engineering team

How to effectively conduct skip level meetings in your engineering team

One of the most effective ways to improve your engineering team's performance is by conducting skip level meetings. Skip level meetings are meetings that are held between a manager and an employee's direct manager or skip-level manager, i.e., the manager above their immediate supervisor. The purpose of these meetings is to gain insight into how an employee's direct manager is performing, as well as to provide an opportunity for the employee to express any concerns they might have without fear of retribution.

I want to share some actionable tips on how to conduct skip level meetings effectively, drawing on insights from industry experts and my own experiences as a technology leader. First and foremost, it's important to set clear goals for the meeting and establish an agenda that allows for meaningful discussion. This might include asking team members about their current projects, their experiences with company culture, and their suggestions for improvement.

Another important aspect of skip level meetings is creating a safe and welcoming environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas. This means actively listening to their concerns, validating their experiences, and demonstrating empathy and understanding. As technology leader Simon Sinek notes, "Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge." By prioritizing the well-being and professional development of our team members, we can create a culture of trust and mutual respect that drives innovation and success.

Finally, it's important to follow up on any action items or concerns raised during the meeting, demonstrating our commitment to addressing issues and fostering positive change. This might involve collaborating with other leaders within the organization, seeking input from additional team members, or taking steps to improve company policies or procedures. By taking a proactive approach to skip level meetings, we can build stronger, more engaged teams that are better equipped to tackle the challenges of a rapidly changing industry.

In conclusion, skip level meetings are a powerful tool for technology leaders looking to foster open communication, promote employee engagement, and drive innovation within their engineering teams. By setting clear goals, creating a safe and welcoming environment, and following up on action items, we can build stronger, more effective teams that are better positioned to succeed in the fast-paced world of technology. So why not give it a try? Reach out to your team members today and start the conversation.