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How to Resolve Technology Choice Related Conflicts Among Your Team

How to Resolve Technology Choice Related Conflicts Among Your Team

I have seen first-hand how conflicts related to technology choices can derail projects and impact team dynamics. In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, there are numerous options available for every problem, and choosing the right technology can be a daunting task. In this article, I will share some of the most effective strategies that I have used to resolve technology choice related conflicts among my team.

1. Understand the root cause of the conflict

The first step towards resolving any conflict is to understand the root cause. When it comes to technology choices, conflicts can arise due to a variety of reasons such as personal preferences, lack of information, and technical biases. As a technology leader, it is essential to identify the underlying reasons for the conflict and address them appropriately.

According to Jennifer Tejada, CEO of PagerDuty, "Conflicts over technology choices can often be traced back to underlying issues such as unclear objectives or lack of communication." Understanding the root cause can help you identify the best approach for resolving the conflict.

Actionable: Identify the root cause of the conflict by having open and honest conversations with your team members.

2. Evaluate all options objectively

Once you have identified the root cause of the conflict, the next step is to evaluate all options objectively. This involves looking at the pros and cons of each technology and assessing how it aligns with your project goals and business objectives. It is essential to consider all relevant factors, including cost, scalability, maintainability, and compatibility with existing systems.

According to Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon, "When it comes to technology choices, it's important to evaluate all options objectively and avoid getting caught up in personal biases or preferences." Evaluating options objectively can help you make informed decisions that are aligned with your project goals and business objectives.

Actionable: Evaluate all technology options objectively by considering all relevant factors.

3. Involve the entire team in the decision-making process

One of the most effective ways to resolve conflicts related to technology choices is to involve the entire team in the decision-making process. This not only ensures that everyone has a voice but also helps build consensus and ownership for the decision. It is essential to create a collaborative environment where everyone's opinions and concerns are heard and addressed.

According to Aaron Levie, CEO of Box, "Involving the entire team in technology choices can help build a culture of ownership and accountability, leading to better outcomes." This approach also helps to ensure that the final decision is based on a thorough evaluation of all options and is supported by everyone on the team.

Actionable: Involve the entire team in the decision-making process by creating a collaborative environment.

4. Seek external expertise when needed

In some cases, conflicts related to technology choices may require external expertise to resolve. This could involve bringing in outside consultants or experts in the relevant technology domain to provide insights and recommendations. It is essential to leverage external expertise when needed to make informed decisions that are aligned with your project goals and business objectives.

According to Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft, "Leveraging external expertise can help you make better decisions by providing new perspectives and insights." This approach also helps to ensure that you have access to the latest technologies and best practices in the relevant domain.

Actionable: Seek external expertise when needed by engaging consultants or experts in the relevant technology domain.


Resolving conflicts related to technology choices requires a collaborative and objective approach. As a technology leader, it is essential to identify the root cause of the conflict, evaluate options objectively, involve the entire team in the decision-making process, and seek external expertise when needed. By adopting