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    I have seen first-hand how conflicts related to technology choices can derail projects and impact team dynamics. In today's rapidly evolving technology landscape, there are numerous options available for every problem, and choosing the right technology can be a daunting task. In this article, I will share some of the most effective strategies that I have used to resolve technology choice related conflicts among my team.
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    One of the most effective ways to improve your engineering team's performance is by conducting skip level meetings. Skip level meetings are meetings that are held between a manager and an employee's direct manager or skip-level manager, i.e., the manager above their immediate supervisor. The purpose of these meetings is to gain insight into how an employee's direct manager is performing, as well as to provide an opportunity for the employee to express any concerns they might have without fear of retribution. In this article, I'll share some tips on how to conduct skip level meetings effectively and get the most out of these valuable conversations.
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    Managing internal conflict within your engineering team can be a daunting task. Conflict can arise from various sources, such as differences in opinion, communication breakdowns, and competition for resources. However, handling internal conflict effectively is crucial to maintaining a healthy and productive team environment. In this article, I will share some actionable tips on how to manage internal conflict among your engineering team.
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    I've heard it said many times that having a few "maverick" individual contributors (ICs) on your engineering team can be a good thing. They're the ones who think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and drive innovation. But is that really true? Do we really need mavericks in our teams, or are they more trouble than they're worth?
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    As a CTO, I believe that retaining veteran engineers is crucial for the long-term success of any technology organization. These employees bring valuable experience, knowledge, and expertise to the team, and losing them can be costly in terms of both time and money. In this article, I will discuss some strategies for keeping veteran engineers motivated and fulfilled in their roles.